Goal Setting: Uncover What's Holding You Back and How to Triumph

Hello, Champions! Check out my latest video on goal setting — you’ll get some game-changing insights! Not into watching videos, no worries, this blog is here to fill you in and add a few extra nuggets of wisdom.

The Heart of Goal-Setting Issues:

You've probably set a goal or two in your lifetime. Maybe you've even achieved a few. But why is it that sometimes, despite our best intentions, we end up like a deflated soccer ball, lying forgotten on the sidelines?

Fear is the big, bad defender blocking your shot at the goal. Fear of failure? It tells you that it's safer to not try at all than to try and fumble. Fear of success? It sneakily suggests that life's current struggles are more comfortable than the unknown, (this one I struggle with a lot!)

Common Traps and How to Sidestep Them:

Let's break down those common goal-setting traps. I covered these in the video, but let's dig a bit deeper:

Vagueness Is the Enemy of Progress: 'Be more successful' sounds great but is as clear as a foggy day in London. The brain doesn’t like vague and confusing, it rings alarm bells of danger, and so you will subconsciously do everything you can to avoid that vagueness.

Procrastination – The Thief of Time: Saying you'll start tomorrow is like trying to run a marathon without training — a setup for failure. Get one thing done toward your goal, the smaller the better to get you started. Then celebrate that victory. Our behaviours are created through our emotions. Feel crap because you’re not taking action, and you’ll continue not taking action. Feel great because you’ve celebrated a small win, and you’ll continue onward to your goals.

The Lone Wolf Fiasco: Trying to do it all solo is like playing a soccer match against a full team by yourself. We live in a world that says, “Roll up those sleeves and get it done.” Unfortunately, that doesn’t work. We are social beings, and so we need a team to get to those big goals.

Enter the Warriors of Change:

Now for the fun part. Applying the principles of our Warriors of Change program, we adapt the way water flows — with purpose, persistence, and the ability to overcome any obstacle.

Be Water, My Friends: Water doesn't stop when it hits an obstacle; it finds a new path. Your goals need the same adaptability. Move with the flow of life, adjust, evolve, and be adaptable to the ever-changing landscape. Every day look at your goal and ask, “What one thing can I do today to move toward my goal?” It might be different than yesterday, and that’s okay. The path won’t ever be straight and up to the right.

The Sky's Not the Limit; Your Belief System Is: Like the ocean, your potential is deep and vast. Dive in! What goal, when spoken out loud scares you a little? You have three options:

  1. The low-hanging fruit - simple, straightforward, and boring!

  2. Stretch but within your grasp with some hard work. This will push you but you can make it happen.

  3. Challenging and just a tad outside of what you think you can handle. This one should feel scary.

You’ll want to consider choosing options 2 or 3.

Growth Is the Journey: Every setback and every hurdle is an opportunity to learn and become stronger. Embrace the process, and as the US Navy Seals would say, “Embrace the suck.” You will get knocked down, sidetracked, and discouraged, but if you keep the goal ahead of you, you’ll always have something to aim at.

The Next Steps:

Now, here's where I stir up a bit of curiosity. What specific tactics can you employ to put these principles into action? How can you redefine your approach to not just meet your goals, but crush them?

I'll be delving into these questions and more in our exclusive Warriors of Change workshops. This isn't just another course. It's a transformational journey tailored for those who dare to challenge their limits and redefine their personal best.

Remember, setting goals is more than just writing down your dreams. It's about creating a clear, actionable plan and then, like the greatest athletes, putting in the work every day to make those dreams a reality.

Got a goal that’s been giving you the slip? Share it in the comments, and let’s tackle it together. And if you're ready to dive deeper, join our Warriors of Change program. Your personal best awaits!

Want to keep the momentum going? Check out the accompanying video for more dynamic tips and join our community of achievers who are all about turning goals into victories.


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